Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Art I like......

Mordecai Ardon is an artist that i would like to make art like.  I love how he is very absract about things.  I also like that he does very drastic shadings.  You almost have to re look at the picture to understand what it is, that why i like it so much.
        Things that i would like to learn to do like him is to use such vararions of colors that pop out from the dark.  I would also like to try and do the shading how he does.  Lastly I  would like to learn how to make things less real but a vision in you own mind.  Thats why I like his art.

1 comment:

  1. Conceptual art is very cool. Abstract art usually has deeper meaning. Good job for connecting these two ideas. You might want to do some research on other contemporary artists of Ardon.
